• -$8.54
RICHE Cooling and effective anti-cellulite complex

RICHE Cooling and effective anti-cellulite complex

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$12.86 $21.40 -$8.54

The complex consisting of Pineapple + Mango Enzymatic Salt Scrub and Cold Anti-Cellulite Wrap fights cellulite and reduces puffiness, making the skin supple and velvety.
The scrub has a lymphatic drainage effect and gently exfoliates the stratum corneum, activating cell renewal thanks to guarana, pineapple and barberry extracts. Algae extracts as part of a cold anti-cellulite wrap give the skin tone and elasticity, nourish and moisturize, and menthol stimulates blood circulation, reducing body fat.
Step 1: Spread the scrub on the steamed skin with circular massage movements, then rinse with warm water.
Step 2: Apply a cold anti-cellulite wrap on clean, scrubbed body skin for 15-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To enhance the effect, wrap problem areas with cling film.
Purposes of Application
Anti-cellulite & Weight loss

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