KLEONA Shampoo White rice odorless 250ml

KLEONA Shampoo White rice odorless 250ml / 8.45oz

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Gentle shampoo based on "green" washing ingredients made from coconut oil. For people with hypersensitivity to odors, with thin, sensitive scalp prone to irritation, dandruff and allergic reactions, as well as for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Ingredients: purified water, mild detergent base*, beetroot betaine, glycerin vegetable origin, D-panthenol, rice extract, aloe vera extract, glyceryl oleate, sorbitol, sorbitancanprilat, honeysuckle extract, citric acid, sodium chloride, jojoba oil, allantoin.
* includes coconut oil based surfactants: sodium cocosulfate, sodium cocamphoacetate, sodium cocoylglutamate, and sodium lauryl glucoside
Apply to damp hair, lather. Spread the foam over the entire length of the hair. Rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.
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