KLEONA Sulfate-free herbal shampoo Nettle for normal to oily hair 250ml

KLEONA Sulfate-free herbal shampoo Nettle for normal to oily hair 250ml / 8.45oz

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• Stimulates hair growth;
Shampoo Ingredients: nettle steam, calendula flower extract, ginger root extract, ECOCERT* certified mild "green" washing base, natural beetroot betaine, soap tree fruit extract, natural rock salt, citric acid, benzyl alcohol, sorbic acid, allantoin, succinic acid esters and castor oil, konjac mannan (from Amorphophallus konjac tubers), succinic acid, rose essential oil. br>** does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate and lauryl ethoxy sulfate.
How to use: apply to damp hair, beat into foam. Spread the foam over the entire length of the hair. To enhance the action, leave the foam on your head for a few minutes. Rinse thoroughly. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Restrictions on use: if in the process of using the shampoo unpleasant sensations appear: burning, dandruff or itching, the use of the shampoo should be discontinued.
Hair Type
Normal hair
Oily hair
Oily roots & dry ends
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