KLEONA Bioactive natural shampoo Ginger and Peony 350ml

KLEONA Bioactive natural shampoo Ginger and Peony 350ml / 11.83oz

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Action: gently and effectively cleanses the hair and scalp. Provides moisture, volume, strength and elasticity to hair. Gives hair a well-groomed appearance, smoothness and healthy shine. It has a tonic effect on the hair roots. Ginger extract improves microcirculation and metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp, stimulates hair follicles, improves hair growth, reduces hair loss. Peony root extract fills and strengthens the hair structure, improves their quality and appearance. The shampoo is suitable for daily use. Regular use contributes to the growth of healthy and strong hair.
Ingredients: rosemary hydrolate, mild "green" detergent base, glyceryl oleate, cocoglucoside, peony root extract, natural beet betaine, lactic acid, potassium lactate, ginger root extract, Japanese honeysuckle extract , glycerin, benzyl alcohol, allantoin, ylang ylang essential oil, basil essential oil, cypress essential oil, rosewood essential oil, sorbic acid, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), xanthus gum.
* includes sodium lauryl glucoside, sodium cocoyl glutamate, sodium lauryl glucose carboxylate and sodium cocamphoacetate; allowed by the ECOCERT standard for natural and organic cosmetics.
Apply the right amount of shampoo to damp hair, lather and massage gently into the scalp. To influence the active ingredients, hold the shampoo for 1-2 minutes, then rinse your hair well with warm water.
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