Meela Meelo Solid Shampoo Pro Vitamin 85g

Meela Meelo Solid Shampoo Pro Vitamin 85g

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Solid shampoo with keratin and nicotinic acid. To cleanse the hair and scalp, accelerate hair growth and prevent premature hair loss.
Sodium Coco Sulfate is a vegetable cleanser made from coconut oil that cleans more gently than synthetic surfactants. Keratin, having a low molecular weight, is able to absorb into the hair, fill microcracks. Nicotinic acid stimulates metabolic processes, accelerates hair growth and improves the scalp. A mixture of burdock and castor oils envelops the hair with the thinnest film, preventing dehydration and adding shine.
Run a bar of shampoo over wet hair several times, lather, rinse hair and scalp. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Ingredients: Sodium Cocosulfate, Water, Camelina Sativa Seed Oil, Arctium Lappa Oil, Ricinus Communis Seed Oil, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Niacin, Lactic Acid, Tocopherol, Aroma
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