Horse Force REANIMATOR Strengthening hair mask 250ml / 8.45 oz

Horse Force REANIMATOR Strengthening hair mask 250ml / 8.45oz / 8.45 oz

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A triad of powerful hair growth activators Capixyl ™, Baicapil ™ and Caffeine in synergy with a complex of vitamins B3, B5, B6, B7, C, E, arginine, keratin and 7 natural extracts: burdock root, chili pepper, ginger, flax, calamus, horse chestnut and string - awaken dormant bulbs, accelerate cellular metabolism, prolong the life cycle of hair. Strengthens hair from roots to ends, restores along the entire length and reduces hair porosity.
Peptides and effective growth activators stimulate microcirculation and improve metabolic processes in the cells of the scalp. Strengthens hair follicles
hair loss, promoting the growth of healthy hair, increasing their density and density.
RESULT: clinically proven increase in hair density by 34.1%; hair thickening by 39.4%; reduction in hair thinness by 43.6%; hair growth from one follicle by 17.9% with the complex use of products of the REANIMATOR® series
Apply a sufficient amount of the Mask on a clean, damp scalp, distribute with massaging movements along the entire length of the hair and hold for 5-15 minutes. Wash off with plenty of warm water. For maximum results, use in combination with the Restorative Shampoo and Spray against hair loss and for hair growth of the REANIMATOR® series for a course of at least 1.5 months. Suitable for daily use.
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