MIXIT Shampoo Collagen & Biotin 1000ml / 33.81oz

MIXIT Shampoo Collagen & Biotin 1000ml / 33.81oz

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Restoring hair shampoo with collagen and biotin gently cleanses the scalp, regulates sebum production, prolonging freshness. The bioavailable formula developed by experts is aimed at extreme restoration of severely damaged hair along the entire length. The complex action of collagen and biotin thickens hair, smoothes cuticle scales and prevents split ends. The result is strong hair, restored from root to tip.

How does it work:
Marine collagen creates a protective sheath around each hair, smoothes the cuticle and makes the structure denser;
Biotin supports the microflora of the scalp, stimulates keratin synthesis, prevents fragility and intensively restores hair from the inside and outside.
gentle cleansing of hair and scalp;
restoration and thickening of the hair structure;
reduction of fragility;
preventing split ends.

Apply shampoo to damp hair with massaging movements, lather, and rinse thoroughly with water. Suitable for daily use. More effective in combination with other products from the Collagen & Biotin series.

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