Golden Silk Shampoo - growth activator effect of voluminous hair 250ml

Golden Silk Shampoo - growth activator effect of voluminous hair 250ml / 8.45oz

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Gently cleanses hair without disturbing its natural pH.
Allows you to create a voluminous hairstyle that lasts a long time.
Activates hair growth system
Soft shampoo for gentle care for dull, devoid of volume hair. Activates hair growth, gives softness, volume and elasticity.
Contains an active complex of natural fruit juices and "Shelkosil" (silk protein + milk protein + keratin peptides).
Apply to wet hair, gently massage, rinse with warm water. Suitable for frequent use.
Avoid eye contact. Individual intolerance of components is possible.
Purposes of Application
Hair growth stimulation
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