Alerana Shampoo for Oily and Combined Hair Types 250ml

Alerana Shampoo for Oily and Combined Hair Types 250ml / 8.45oz

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The unique formula of the shampoo was developed by experts of the pharmaceutical company to strengthen weakened, prone to hair loss.
Contains a complex of natural growth stimulants.
Provides gentle care, given the characteristics of oily hair.
Does not disturb the natural acid-base balance of the scalp.
Natural extracts of nettle, burdock, horse chestnut, sage, wormwood, provitamin B5, tea tree oil, hydrolyzed wheat proteins.
Natural ingredients: tea tree oil, nettle and burdock extracts. Prevent hair loss and promote the growth of strong and healthy hair, gently care for the scalp.
Natural extracts of wormwood and horse chestnut. Normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, soothes and refreshes the scalp.
Sage extract. It has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, heals oily scalp.
Provitamin B 5 (panthenol). It has a strong moisturizing effect, softens the skin.
Hydrolyzed wheat proteins. Nourish hair, restore their structure.
pH neutral.
Hair Type
Oily hair
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation

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