Alerana Shampoo Density and Volume 250ml

Alerana Shampoo Density and Volume 250ml / 8.45oz

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The shampoo contains a combination of active ingredients that provide a comprehensive action:
- stimulate cell metabolism in hair follicles
- improve nutrition and strengthen hair
- give the hair a lasting volume, enhancing the natural elasticity of the hair
- improve the hair texture, increase thethickness, contribute to the increase in hair density
Active ingredients
Herbal hair growth stimulant with proven clinical studies of the effectiveness of activated proteins, providing a stable volume of hair peptide complex to improve texture, increase the diameter and increase the density of hair
Apply to wet hair, beat the foam, massage and spread over the entire length of the hair. Leave on for 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The maximum result is achieved with regular use of shampoo. Suitable for prolonged use. After application, it is recommended to use a rinse balm or ALERANA mask.
Hair Type
Thin hair
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Create Volume
Hair growth stimulation
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