Alerana Shampoo Intensive Nutrition 250ml

Alerana Shampoo Intensive Nutrition 250ml / 8.45oz

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Recommended for intensive nutrition and restoration of weak, prone to hair loss.
enhances blood microcirculation in hair follicles, stimulating hair growth
slows down the aging process of follicles, preventing hair loss
stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, actively restoring the hair structure and strengthening it along the entire length
provides intensive moisturizing and nourishing the scalp
gives hair strength and shine
Shampoo contains
- natural growth stimulants with proven clinical research effectiveness
- moisturizers to preserve the natural moisture of the hair
- vegetable components intensively nourishing hair
- proteins that restore the hair structure
Jojoba oil provides intensive nutrition, softens and moisturizes the scalp, strengthens the weak hair cuticle, restores natural volume, strength and shine to hair.
Keratin penetrates into the deeper layers of the hair, eliminates damage and strengthens the adhesion of scales on the hair shaft, protecting the hair from dryness and breakage.
Lecithin improves the appearance of hair, restores damaged split ends, increases elasticity and silkiness of hair, gives hair a healthy shine.
Provitamin B5 (panthenol) has a strong moisturizing effect, restores hair structure and damaged splitting ends, reduces stratification and hair loss, improves their appearance and facilitates combing. Panthenol stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increases the strength of collagen fibers.
Procapil® * is a combination of fortified matrikin, apigenin and oleanolic acid from the leaves of the olive tree to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Procapil enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, improves nutrition of the roots, stimulates cell metabolism in the hair follicles, activates hair growth. Procapil restores the various structures of the hair follicle to slow down the aging process.
* Procapil® - Sederma property, used with permission from Sederma.
Apply a small amount of shampoo to wet hair, beat the foam, massage the scalp intensively and leave for at least 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The maximum result is achieved with regular use of shampoo. To achieve the best effect after applying the shampoo, it is recommended to use ALERANA® conditioner. Suitable as a primary means of washing the head, including for daily use.
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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