Alerana Shampoo BIO KERATIN recovery 250ml

Alerana Shampoo BIO KERATIN recovery 250ml / 8.45oz

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Recommended for directional restoration and strengthening of damaged, weakened hair.
The active ingredients of the formula act in two directions: on the hair follicles and on the hair shaft:
increase blood microcirculation in hair follicles, stimulating hair growth
compensate for the lack of keratin in the hair shaft
restore deep damage to the hair shaft
provide directional hair restoration, depending on the area and depth of damage
protect against breakage
return hair smoothness, elasticity and shine
Shampoo contains:
Herbal hair growth stimulant with proven clinical efficacy
biomimetic keratin is an analogue of natural keratin of human hair
components that restore and protect the hair cuticle
moisturizing ingredients that help preserve the natural moisture of the hair
Procapil is a combination of fortified matrikin, apigenin, and oleanolic acid to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Procapil enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, improves nutrition of the roots, stimulates cell metabolism in the hair follicles, activates hair growth.
* Procapil® - Sederma property, used with permission from Sederma.
Biomimetic keratin provides targeted restoration of hair damage from root to tip. Fills the lack of keratin throughout the area and the depth of damage. The unique formula repeats the peptide sequence of natural keratin of a human hair, providing better recovery.
Abyssinian oil enhances the natural shine of hair, supports their healthy radiance and well-groomed appearance. Improves combing of dry and damp hair, prevents fragility.
Ceramides increase the adhesion between the cuticle flakes, eliminate damage and exfoliation of cells on the hair shaft. Ceramides increase the volume, shine and strength of hair.
Hyaluronic acid has a prolonged moisturizing effect, accelerates cell regeneration.
Apply to wet hair, beat the foam, massage and spread over the entire length of the hair. Leave on for 3 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The maximum result is achieved with regular use of shampoo. Suitable for prolonged use.
Hair Type
Coloured hair
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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