Horse Force ANTI-DANDRUFF SHAMPOO FORTE with ketoconazole 2% 100ml

Horse Force ANTI-DANDRUFF SHAMPOO FORTE with ketoconazole 2% 100ml / 3.38oz

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Enhanced formula of Shampoo is aimed at efficient fighting dandruff. Double concentration of ketoconazole has anti-microbial effect, stabilizes the function of sebaceous glands and eradicates fungus.
  • Ketoconazole has antimycotic effect as well as antioxidant and anti-androgenic characteristics, regulates skin fat secretion and efficiently struggles dandruff cause of occurence
  • Citric acid is responsible for healthy shine, smoothiness and silkiness of your hair, makes the hair less oily and stronger, the hair colour brighter.
  • Glycerin — has a softening and moisturizing effect. It gives hair smoothness and elasticity.
EFFECT: has anti-microbial effect
stabilizes the function of sebaceous glands and eradicates fungus
As a result, disturbing symptoms like itching, shedding and skin irritation vanish
Regenerates natural skin flora
APPLICATION: Apply the shampoo to wet hair and scalp, massage into a lather and leave in for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Best use 2-3 times a week until dandruff is completely eliminated. In case of dandruff-prone skin use the Shampoo as a prevention product once every 2 weeks.
Purposes of Application
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