Mi&Ko Shampoo solid Beer 75g

Mi&Ko Shampoo solid Beer 75g

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Natural solid shampoo Beer strengthens hair, stimulates their growth. Essential oils of bay and black pepper improve the nutrition of hair follicles, preventing hair loss. Hop extract gives hair volume and vitality.
Ingredients: sodium salts of coconut, castor, almond, mustard, sunflower, wheat germ oils, beer, decoction of calamus, burdock, hops and thyme, jojoba oil, hop extract, citric acid, essential oils of bitter orange, Atlas cedar, bay and black pepper .
Application: Thoroughly dampen hair with water. Run a few times with solid shampoo through the hair to create lather. Massage your hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly with water.
If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Avoid contact with eyes; in case of contact, rinse eyes with water.
Do not use in case of intolerance to components.
Purposes of Application
Create Volume
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