Mi&Ko St. John's wort solid shampoo for oily hair 75g

Mi&Ko St. John's wort solid shampoo for oily hair 75g

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St. John's wort natural solid shampoo is a real salvation for oily and easily soiled hair. St. John's wort and nettle extracts regulate oily hair and reduce sebum production. Essential oils of juniper and orange strengthen hair and fill it with vitality and beauty.
Ingredients: Sodium salts of fatty acids of coconut, castor, almond, sunflower, grape seed oils, artesian water, wheat protein, sesame oil, citric acid, essential oils of sweet orange, ginger, juniper, nutmeg, extracts of calamus, St. John's wort, nettle, burdock , yarrow, sage.
Application: Thoroughly dampen hair with water. Run a few times with solid shampoo through the hair to create lather. Massage your hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly with water.
If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Avoid contact with eyes; in case of contact, rinse eyes with water.
Do not use in case of intolerance to components.
Hair Type
Oily hair
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