Meela Meelo Solid shampoo Honest linden 85g

Meela Meelo Solid shampoo Honest linden 85g

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Shampoo Honest Linden is designed for active cleansing of hair and scalp, giving hair strength and shine.
Sodium Coco Sulfate is a vegetable cleanser made from coconut oil that cleans more gently than synthetic surfactants.
Bee honey, which is part of the shampoo, is known for its bactericidal and stimulating properties and has long been used to care for hair, enhance their growth. Linden flowers are rich in minerals, tannins, thanks to this, the hair becomes elastic and shiny. Essential oils of mint and verbena refresh the scalp, eliminate excessive oiliness, and make hair voluminous.
Ingredients: Sodium Cocosulfate, Water, Camelina Sativa Seed Oil, Tilia Cordata (Linden) Flowers, Seabuckthorn Oil, Honey, Vitamin E (Tocopherol), Mentha Piperita Essential Oil, Lippia Citriodora Leaf/Flower Oil
Free of preservatives, artificial colors and fragrances
Run a bar of shampoo over wet hair several times, lather, rinse hair and scalp. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
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