Meela Meelo Solid Shampoo Ginger Tea Active Cleansing 85g

Meela Meelo Solid Shampoo Ginger Tea Active Cleansing 85g

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Shampoo Tea with ginger is designed to actively cleanse the hair and scalp, eliminate excess greasiness at the roots, give hair volume and shine.
Sodium Coco Sulfate is a vegetable cleanser made from coconut oil that cleans more gently than synthetic surfactants.
The extracts of green tea and ginger, which are part of the shampoo, have a pronounced tonic effect, eliminate excess oiliness of the scalp, give hair elasticity and volume. Tea tree essential oil is a powerful antibacterial and refreshing agent.
Ingredients: Sodium Cocosulfate, Water, Camelina Sativa Seed Oil, Camellia Sinensis (Green Tea), Zingiber Officinale (Ginger), Vitamin E (Tocopherol), Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Essential Oil
Does not contain preservatives, artificial colors and fragrances.
Run a bar of shampoo over wet hair several times, lather, rinse hair and scalp. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
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