KLEONA Gel Shampoo Lavender 200ml

KLEONA Gel Shampoo Lavender 200ml / 6.76oz

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Gently cleanses hair and scalp, makes hair soft and manageable, gives it shine and well-groomed appearance. Gentle foam cleanses the body well. Natural additives perfectly moisturize and refresh the skin, give it softness and pleasant tactile sensations. The aroma of lavender with sweet notes of freshness will help relieve tension, relax before bed.
Ingredients: lavender hydrosol, mild detergent base*, glyceryl oleate, citric acid, vegetable glycerin, beetroot betaine, lecinol, elecampane extract, burdock extract, D- panthenol (provitamin B5), vanilla extract, Japanese honeysuckle extract, aloe vera extract, lavender essential oil, patchouli essential oil, thyme extract, glyceryl caprylate. .
How to use: use in the way you are used to.
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