KLEONA Rum Baba Shampoo Gel 200ml

KLEONA Rum Baba Shampoo Gel 200ml / 6.76oz

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Gently cleanses hair and scalp, makes hair soft and manageable, gives it shine and well-groomed appearance. Gentle foam cleanses the body well. Natural additives perfectly moisturize and refresh the skin, give it softness and pleasant tactile sensations. A sweet bouquet of aromas and a long, refined aftertaste will fill you with warmth and a feeling of joy.
Ingredients: deionized water, mild “green” detergent base*, citric acid, vegetable glycerin, beetroot betaine, oak bark extract, raisin extract, spice extract (ginger , cinnamon, clove, rosemary, vanilla), sodium bicarbonate, Japanese honeysuckle extract, glyceryl caprylate, aloe vera extract, menthol, spearmint essential oil, patchouli essential oil, allantoin.
*includes: sodium coco sulfate, cocoglucoside, lauryl glucoside, cocamidopropyl betaine.
How to use: use in the way you are used to.
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