KLEONA Shower Gel Tea Tree 250ml

KLEONA Shower Gel Tea Tree 250ml / 8.45oz

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Natural antibacterial shower gel for daily use. Effectively cleanses the skin, deodorizes and refreshes it, reduces sweating and skin odor problems. Relieves irritation, helps to reduce skin rashes and their rapid healing. It has a light cooling and soothing effect. Foams well, rinses off easily, does not leave a slippery film on the skin. Doesn't dry out or make you feel tight. An excellent choice for people involved in sports and leading an active lifestyle.
Ingredients: water, mild detergent base*, glyceryl oleate, sodium citrate, vegetable glycerin, beet betaine, lecithin, calendula extract, yarrow extract, string extract, mint extract pepper, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl caprylate, citric acid, tea tree essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, lavender essential oil, rose essential oil.
How to use: use in the way you are used to.
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