KLEONA Shower Gel Juicy Grapefruit 250ml

KLEONA Shower Gel Juicy Grapefruit 250ml / 8.45oz

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Natural gel with grapefruit extract. Although ... it's not just a grapefruit. This is his quintessence, his soul, which was carefully collected and placed in a bottle of gel. You don’t feel such a magical aroma even when you cut a real ripe fruit. The smell is incredibly invigorating and energizing, bright, sparkling, sonorous. But, for all its brightness, the smell is not intrusive. He hovers in the bathroom for a while and quietly, gently, gradually fades away. Only echoes remain on the body, which also disappear very soon. It is simply impossible not to fall in love with this fragrance.
Ingredients: water, mild detergent base*, glyceryl oleate, vegetable glycerin, beetroot betaine, lecithin, grapefruit extract, lemon extract, magnolia extract, benzyl alcohol, sodium citrate, glyceryl caprylate, D-panthenol (provitamin B5), citric acid , grapefruit essential oil, lemon essential oil, rose essential oil, vanilla extract.
*includes: sodium cocoglucoside, sodium lauryl glucoside, sodium decyl glucoside, sodium cocosulfate, sodium cocoylglutamate.
How to use: use in the way you are used to.
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