KLEONA Shower Gel Lavender Dream 250ml

KLEONA Shower Gel Lavender Dream 250ml / 8.45oz

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Natural gel based on lavender hydrosol with aloe vera. Excellent foam, easy to rinse off, does not leave a slippery film on the skin. Doesn't dry out or make you feel tight. Gently cleanses and soothes especially sensitive skin after sunbathing. Effectively removes sunscreens with a high content of SPF filters from the body. Natural additives well moisturize the skin, increase tone, make it soft and velvety. The soothing aroma of lavender will give a feeling of harmony and serenity, help relieve stress and tension at the end of the day.
Ingredients: water, lavender hydrolate, mild detergent base*, green tea extract, glyceryl oleate, vegetable glycerin, sodium lactate, sodium citrate, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl caprylate, D-panthenol (provitamin B5), beetroot betaine, aloe vera extract, lactic acid, lavender essential oil, blue chamomile essential oil, neroli essential oil, vanilla extract, petitgrain essential oil, allantoin.
*includes in yourself: sodium cocoglucoside, sodium lauryl glucoside, sodium decylglucoside, sodium cocosulfate, cocobetaine, cetearyl alcohol.
How to use: Use as you normally would.
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