KLEONA Shower Gel Coffee with Marzipan 250ml

KLEONA Shower Gel Coffee with Marzipan 250ml / 8.45oz

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Natural gel based on coffee extract. Excellent foam, easy to rinse off, does not leave a slippery film on the skin. Doesn't dry out or make you feel tight. Natural additives moisturize the skin, increase its tone, make it soft and velvety. The awakening aroma of black coffee, almonds and spices will provide a surge of strength and energy, and in the evening will wrap you in warmth and comfort, help relieve fatigue and tension.
Ingredients: water, mild detergent base*, black coffee extract, glyceryl oleate, vegetable glycerin, lactate sodium, sodium citrate, beetroot betaine, lactic acid, benzyl alcohol, glyceryl caprylate, almond seed extract, apricot seed extract, cinnamon extract, vanilla extract, clove extract, allspice extract, cumin extract.
*includes: sodium cocoglucoside , sodium lauryl glucoside, sodium decyl glucoside, sodium coco sulfate, cocobetaine, cetearyl alcohol.
How to use: Use as you normally would.
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