Mi&ko Shower Gel Raspberry Passion 230ml

Mi&ko Shower Gel Raspberry Passion 230ml / 7.77oz

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You can take a shower juicy, bright and berry! We have added a complex of natural acids to the natural washing base so that the renewed skin shines with health, beckoning with softness and elasticity. And let crimson passions rage!
Raspberry extract is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Melia and coccinia extracts soften and moisturize.
Natural acids stimulate renewal and deep hydration.
Let the mood be bright, and emotions - positive!
Ingredients: artesian water, decyl glucoside, cocoglucoside, xanthan gum, lactic acid, propanediol, citric acid, tartaric acid, gluconic acid, inulin, natural flavor, melia flower and seed extract, coccinia fruit extract, raspberry extract.
Apply a small amount of gel on a washcloth or palm, spread over the entire body, rinse with water. Avoid contact with eyes, in case of contact with eyes, rinse with water. Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
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