Geltek MEN Moisturizing Cream 30ml

Geltek MEN Moisturizing Cream 30ml / 1.01oz

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GELTEK men is a line of cosmetic products designed specifically for men. The moisturizing cream is universal and covers several tasks at once: it moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates the healing of microdamages caused by shaving, and prevents acne. Suitable for regular care and replaces aftershave lotion. It has a pleasant, almost imperceptible aroma and a light emulsion texture. It is instantly absorbed, mattifies and completely invisible on the skin. The cream is suitable for oily, problematic, dry and sensitive skin. Regular use of the cream will prevent early skin aging.
After thoroughly washing, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the face and distribute in a circular motion until completely absorbed.
INCI: purified water, isononyl isonanoate, sweet almond oil, glycerin, cetearylolivat, sorbitanolivat, propylene glycol, hydrolyzed silk proteins, aloe vera juice, D-panthenol, shea butter, hyaluronic acid, CE glyceryl stearate, aristoflex, jermaben II (propylene glycol, diazolidinyl urea, propylparaben, methylparaben), tinogard TT, fragrance.
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