Mi&ko Baby toilet soap Delicate age 75g

Mi&ko Baby toilet soap Delicate age 75g

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Natural baby soap “Tender Age”, hand-brewed on the basis of nourishing oils, will leave behind a feeling of soft, well-groomed and moisturized skin. Natural antiseptics in its composition will destroy microbes and bacteria, and herbal extracts will soothe and soften children's skin.
Borage oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, indispensable for rashes, dermatitis, allergies and irritations. Strengthens the protective lipid barrier of the skin, which is just being formed in the baby.
Calendula and chamomile extracts perfectly treat diaper rash, chafing and redness, soothe delicate skin
Sodium salts of babassu, castor oil, palm oil and shea butter gently cleanse without overdrying delicate, sensitive baby skin. On the contrary, soap has an additional moisturizing effect! Babassu oil improves foaming ability.
Wheat protein has a particularly gentle effect due to its natural resemblance to baby skin. Softens and strengthens the skin, moisturizes it for a long time.
Oak and sage extracts have astringent and disinfectant properties, relieve inflammation, heal microtraumas, and improve blood circulation.
Melia, basil and turmeric extracts are safe natural dyes that give the soap a yellow tint. Have disinfecting properties
Ingredients: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, castor, shea and babassu oils, borage oil, artesian water, wheat protein, extracts of oak, calendula, chamomile and sage, extracts of melia, basil and turmeric
Moisten the soap under running water, lather, rinse thoroughly with water.
Do not use if components are intolerant
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