OZ! OrganicZone Bathing product 250ml

OZ! OrganicZone Bathing product 250ml / 8.45oz

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Gentle bath for babies gently cleanses baby's skin and prevents dehydration. Does not cause dryness and irritation. Hydrolyzed wheat proteins strengthen and nourish the skin and hair, making it easier to comb.
Olive oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, moisturizes, softens the skin and prevents moisture loss. Shelf life: 24 months.
COMPOSITION: deionized water, decyl glucoside, vegetable glycerin, hydrolyzed wheat proteins, hydrogenated olive oil, hydrolyzed soy proteins, lactic acid, guartrimonium chloride, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, dehydroacetic acid, orange essential oil, mint essential oil, mint essential oil orange, vetiver essential oil.
HOW TO USE: Apply a small amount to damp hair and body, lather, rinse with water.
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