Architect Demidoff All-In-One Complex care Facial Cream 75ml

Architect Demidoff All-In-One Complex care Facial Cream 75ml / 2.53oz

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Provides complex care: moisturizes, nourishes, soothes the skin. The complex of oils unique in its composition (shea butter, amarat oil, wheat germ oil) has a powerful anti-aging effect, restoring vitality to the skin, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, makes the skin more well-groomed and radiant. The NMF complex moisturizes the skin and ensures its optimal hydrobalance. Neovitin enhances blood microcirculation, stimulates metabolic processes and skin cell regeneration. Arginine and panthenol restore damaged tissues and improve complexion. Tripeptide stimulates the production of collagen by the skin, improves its structure.
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