KLEONA Tar soap 100g

KLEONA Tar soap 100g

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Natural high quality handmade soap. Made from a mixture of vegetable oils with the addition of birch tar. Deep dark brown color with a characteristic pronounced smell. A big plus of this soap is that it can be used with different skin types; it will help all people equally well. Due to the carefully selected composition of vegetable oils, "Tar" soap dries the skin less than standard tar soaps. medical birch, collagen hydrolyzate, citric acid, vitamin E.
How to use: to obtain an effective effect, you should wash your face with tar soap twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, regularly, for several weeks.
If the soap used to wash your hair, you should use it no more than 2 times a week.
Do not wash with tar soap for a long time without a break. Skin and hair can become excessively dry, so it is better to use tar soap in courses.
Restrictions on use: allergic reactions to soap components.
Additional information: soap becomes sour with prolonged contact with water. To avoid this, keep soap in a well-ventilated perforated wooden or plastic soap dish.
Do not store soap (especially wet) in soap dishes, on shelves, metalized plastic bars.
Soap has a specific smell. Keep this in mind when choosing how to store soap
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