KLEONA Natural bath soap Lavender 145g

KLEONA Natural bath soap Lavender 145g

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Natural high-foaming soap with a soothing aroma of lavender fields. The gentle foam of this soap gently cleanses the skin and pores. Thanks to lavender extract, it softens and soothes the skin, relieves irritation and stress spots. Enriched with essential oils of sage and eucalyptus, it has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. In addition, essential oils have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system and improve mood. The soap is suitable for all skin types. For daily use as a bath or toilet soap.
Ingredients: saponified mixture of coconut, olive, palm, almond, castor oils, water, natural glycerin, lavender oil extract, ground rosemary herb, citric acid, lavender essential oil, essential oil blue chamomile, clary sage essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
How to use: lather the soap with water. Apply to the skin with circular massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water
Contraindications: allergic reactions to soap components.
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