KLEONA Coffee natural bath soap 145g

KLEONA Coffee natural bath soap 145g

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Action: natural high-foaming soap with the aroma of an invigorating cup of morning coffee. Brewed on a strong broth of black coffee with the addition of pure caffeine, which stimulates blood microcirculation, tightens pores, makes the skin more elastic and toned. The soap gives a soft rich lather that cleanses perfectly without causing dryness of the skin. Small particles of ground coffee pleasantly massage the skin, increase its smoothness, and make it pleasant to the touch. The soap is suitable for all skin types. Can be used as bath and toilet soap.
Ingredients: saponified mixture of coconut, olive, palm, almond, castor oils, black coffee decoction, natural glycerin, ground black coffee beans, almond seed extract, apricot kernel extract, cinnamon extract, vanilla extract, clove extract, allspice extract, citric acid, caffeine benzoate, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
Lather soap with water. Apply to the skin with circular massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
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