KLEONA Natural Bath Soap Orange 145g

KLEONA Natural Bath Soap Orange 145g

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Action: natural solid soap with a juicy citrus aroma. Combines excellent foaminess and high cleansing properties. Essential oil of orange gives the skin tone, firmness and elasticity, improves its color, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Recommended for normal to oily skin. For daily use as a bath or toilet soap.
Ingredients: saponified mixture of coconut, olive, palm, castor oils, orange peel extract, orange essential oil, almond seed oil, sea buckthorn oil, limonene, madder extract, peppermint essential oil pepper, citric acid, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E).
Lather soap with water. Apply to the skin with circular massaging movements. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
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