KLEONA Bath soap with high loofah Oatmeal 135g

KLEONA Bath soap with high loofah Oatmeal 135g

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Nourishing soap with jojoba oil and oat proteins gently cleanses the skin, does not dry and preserves the hydrolipidic layer. Natural loofah gently exfoliates dead skin cells, making the skin soft, tender and velvety. Aromas of verbena and lemongrass invigorate and improve mood, completing the process of bathing with a kind of aromatherapy. Soap with loofah is convenient to use in the shower or bath. Economical to use. Suitable for the whole family. Recommended for all skin types, including dry and sensitive.
saponified blend of olive, coconut, castor, palm kernel, mango and avocado oils, calendula extract, oat proteins, sodium lactate, sodium citrate, a-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), hydrolysed milk protein, jojoba oil, lemon verbena (Lippiacitriodora) essential oil, basil (Ocimumbasilicum) essential oil, lemongrass (Cymbopogoncitrates) essential oil.
To use: Wet a washcloth with hot water and use circular motions clean your skin. After use, store the soap with the loofah down.
The loofah may seem hard when used for the first time, but this is not entirely true: with each subsequent use, it will become softer and softer.
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