Workshop of Olesya Mustaeva Soap Goat 135gr

Workshop of Olesya Mustaeva Soap Goat 135gr

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Premium series. The soap contains at least 25% goat milk. Like all soaps of the Goat series, it is made at low temperatures, without heating. Soap aging for at least 6 weeks. This soap is made using unrefined organic coconut oil, which provides a good cleansing and delicate aroma of sweet milk. The soap does not contain essential oils, so it will be ideal for children's, sensitive, capricious skin. A proven option for people with problematic and allergic skin.
INCI: saponified vegetable oils (olive, coconut, palm, castor, sunflower, shea), goat's milk, sour cream.
Skin Type
All skin types
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