Mi&ko Chic toilet soap without essential oils 75g

Mi&ko Chic toilet soap without essential oils 75g

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Gentle hands deserve the best natural soap! The most simple, hypoallergenic composition without essential oils is what you need for sensitive skin prone to acute reactions and allergies. Soap Shik extremely delicately cleanses the skin without tightening or overdrying it. It maintains the natural moisture balance of the skin and provides additional care. Modest at first glance, this soap delights with its truly "chic" effect: it is perfect for even the most capricious and demanding skin care, including children's.
Rosehip seed oil actively restores the skin, maintains an optimal level of moisture, smoothes the first wrinkles, slows down the aging process and photoaging. Gives an even tone & healthy glow.
Olive oil nourishes and softens the skin, helping it retain moisture. Relieves irritation and inflammation, promotes wound healing.
Sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut and castor oils gently cleanse delicate skin without overdrying it. Soap has an additional moisturizing effect!
Sage extract gently cares for problematic and sensitive skin. It has a bactericidal effect, softens, relieves redness and inflammation. Strong antioxidant.
Ingredients: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut, castor oils, artesian water, olive oil, rosehip seed oil, sage extract.
Moisten the soap under running water, lather, rinse thoroughly with water.
Do not use if components are intolerant
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