MINOXIN Anti-hair loss serum Superfood 100ml

MINOXIN Anti-hair loss serum Superfood 100ml / 3.38oz

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Serum with new generation active ingredients is suitable for strengthening and hair growth. The components of the serum help the hair roots to remain active and maintain normal hair growth throughout life. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
Does not contain hormones, mineral oils, silicones, sulfates, parabens.
Active ingredients: ginger extract, nettle extract, caffeine, panthenol, Procapil, arabinogalactan, PCA zinc, vitamin E.
Ginger extract regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, normalizes the pH of the scalp, eliminates dandruff and irritation. Promotes hair growth by improving peripheral blood circulation in the scalp and activating hair mother cells.
Nettle extract strengthens weakened hair follicles, restoring their strength. Helps the skin to restore its protective function and stabilizes its condition.
Caffeine protects the hair follicles from the aggressive effects of dihydrotestosterone and promotes an influx of energy directly into the hair follicle. Prolongs the hair growth phase.
Panthenol (provitamin B5) stimulates regeneration processes, increases hair thickness, normalizes the condition of the scalp, relieves itching, irritation and discomfort.
Procapil contains: oleanolic acid of natural origin; natural flavonoid apigenin; fortified matrikine biotinyl-Gly-His-Lys. Oleanolic acid reduces DHT by inhibiting type I and type II 5a-reductase. Apigenin improves the blood supply to the hair follicle. Biotinyl-Gly-His-Lys improves the quality of follicle keratinocytes and enhances the synthesis of adhesion molecules. Procapil maintains hair density, helps fight premature hair loss by lengthening anagen and shortening telogen for both women and men.
Arabinogalactan stimulates the activity of dermal fibroblasts in vitro, increasing the production of collagen and elastin and accelerating the wound healing process. As a prebiotic, it improves the composition of the skin microflora, promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria that play an important role in the health of the scalp. Creates a barrier that helps protect hair from external influences such as heat, while keeping hair soft and supple.
Zinc PCA (zinc salt of pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid) prevents excessive secretion of fat by the sebaceous glands, eliminates the appearance of dandruff. It inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, thereby blocking the transition of testosterone to the more aggressive dihydrotestosterone in androgenetic alopecia.
Vitamin E improves blood circulation, normalizes the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles. Stimulates the growth of strong and healthy hair, slows down the process of graying.
Ingredients: Cosmetic professional base. Active ingredients: ginger extract, nettle extract, caffeine, panthenol, Procapil, arabinogalactan, PCA zinc, vitamin E.
How to use: Serum should be applied once a day to areas with thinning or lack of hair. Apply with the spray nozzle (20 pumps), directly onto dry scalp. After applying the serum, it is desirable to rub it with massaging movements. Do not rinse.
The recommended course of application is 3-4 months.
Purposes of Application
Anti Hair Loss
Hair growth stimulation
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