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VIVAX Active Relaxing Gel 1000ml / 33.81oz

VIVAX Active Relaxing Gel 1000ml / 33.81oz

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Provides relief from muscle fatigue after prolonged exercise or static position. Promotes the removal of lactic acid, has a cooling, anti-edematous effect, helps relieve the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs. Can be used as a restorative for the skin after sun stress, as well as for the prevention of varicose veins.

It is a targeted cooling gel for the V-Shock procedure.

Ingredients: Purified water, bioantioxidant complex "Neovitin"®, glycerin, panthenol, methylparaben, propylparaben, diazolidinyl urea, propylene glycol, a copolymer of acrylates and C10-30 alkyl acrylate, triethanolamine, dimethicone, menthol, bisabolol, EDTA, perfume composition, amino acid complexes AK-1, AK-3, AK-7, AK-8, AK-9 and AK-12.

Active components
AK-1: amino acid complex (peptides) of thymus tissue
Promotes tissue regeneration, accelerates wound healing. Has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulating and anti-stress effects.

AK-3: amino acid complex (peptides) of pancreatic tissue
Promotes the removal of excess lactic acid, normalizing lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in skin cells and muscle tissue, reduces tissue swelling, maintains cellular respiration processes at an optimal level.

AK-7: amino acid complex (peptides) of vascular tissue
Strengthens the walls of venous and arterial vessels. Normalizes metabolism in vascular wall cells, improving blood microcirculation and restores blood supply to tissues.

AK-8: amino acid complex (peptides) of muscle tissue
Increases the reserve capacity of muscle tissue, reduces muscle fatigue during intense physical activity, promotes proper growth and rapid regeneration of muscles after exercise.

AK-9: amino acid complex (peptides) of pineal tissue
Enhances protein synthesis in skin cells, muscle and cartilage tissue, optimizes circadian cycles.

AK-12: amino acid complex (peptides) of cartilage tissue
Promotes the regeneration of cartilage tissue, joints and ligaments. Regulates metabolic processes and trophism of cartilage tissue. Slows down destructive changes in degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory processes in cartilage tissue.

Bioantioxidant complex Neovitin® is a preparation from relict ginseng. It has an active antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.

Panthenol is a provitamin B5. It has a healing, moisturizing and smoothing effect.

Bisabolol - contained in the essential oil of chamomile, lavender. It has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

Menthol - isolated from peppermint essential oil. It is used as a painkiller, soothing and cooling component.

Externally. Apply the gel to the skin with massage movements until completely absorbed. Use the product after physical activity, with muscle spasms and fatigue. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to use the gel at least 2 times a day.

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