Horse Force TOP 10 OILS FORMULA 100ml

Horse Force TOP 10 OILS FORMULA 100ml / 3.38oz

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Oil complex for hair grow and deep recovery
A complex of 10 best oils for hair care and restoration was designed to recover weak, coloured, fragile, splitting or damaged hair.
Woad Oil
Pimenta racemosa Mill Oil
Argan Oil
Avocado Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Amla Oil
Jojoba Oil
Ilang-ilang Oil
Litsea Cubeba Oil
‒ Active hair growth
‒ Hair core thickening
‒ Visible hair density
‒ Preventing dandruff and early graying
‒ Ideal natural structure of hair
‒ Elastic shiny silky hair
‒ Healthy moistened head skin
‒ Hair bulbs regeneration
Ladies of age 14+ who want to recover their hair after colouring, keratin straightening, often-used hairdryer and daily styling (dull and weakened hair).
For a better result we recommend that you use this product as a complementary treatment together with Horse Force Shampoo, Balm and Melting mask with hyaluronic acid and pepper extract.
Before washing your hair for head skin nourishing and hair recovery: warm the oils on boiling-water bath. Spray to hair roots then spray all over the hair. Brush the hair. Put on the shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask for at least 30 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo.
Before hair dressing for hair protection an shine: spray a small quantity of oil (1-2 pressures depending on the hair thickness) to your palms of hands, apply the oil all over the wet towelled hair, being especially attentive to the ends. Brush your hair, and rest for a while for the product to work. Do not rinse.
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