Alekseev's shower (full set) + all additional nozzles

Alekseev's shower (full set) + all additional nozzles

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The set "All in a set" is a set of a hydromassager "Shower of Alekseev" + all additional nets with a discount!
The set "All in a set" is intended for carrying out a full complex of hydromassage procedures, indicated for various diseases.
The product is used at home, as well as in medical and prophylactic and sanatorium institutions.
1. Alekseev's shower assembled (optional color) - 1 piece, with an installed mesh with 19 holes (for dynamic hydropuncture);
2. Additional mesh with 61 holes (Charcot home shower) - 1 pc .;
3. Additional mesh with 13 holes (for dynamic hydropuncture with reduced water pressure in the water supply network) - 1 pc .;
4. Additional mesh "Summer shower" (with 30 holes for quick and effective hygiene procedures in combination with a relaxing massage.) - 1 pc .;
5. Additional mesh "Underwater massage" (with 1 hole, for manual underwater jet massage) - 1 pc. + instruction;
6. Additional mesh for lymphatic drainage "Stripe" (with 17 holes, for jet lymphatic drainage massage) - 1 pc. + instruction;
7. Additional net for shock wave action (with 7 holes, for hydromassage of joints, back muscles, soles, hands, elbows, knees, subcutaneous fibrous appendages (cellulite) on the thighs) - 1 pc. + instruction;
8. Additional mesh "Cleaning iron for the face" (with 7 holes, for gentle but effective cleansing of the face and neck skin) - 1 pc. + instruction;
9. Additional mesh for face hydromassage (with 4 holes, for plastic face and neck hydromassage) - 1 pc. + instruction;
10. Adapter - 1 pc. (standard - in 1/2 "* n M22);
11. Plumbing gasket - 2 pcs .;
12. Instructions for use - brochure.
- the design of the hole (nozzle) - complex-profile CONOIDAL.
- hole diameter at the entrance - 5 mm, at the exit - 0.6 mm, length - 14 mm.
- jet speed - 20-30 m / s.
- maximum expiration rate µ = 0.99.
The methodology is attached.
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