Ecocraft Natural coconut water for the face Coconut collection 100ml

Ecocraft Natural coconut water for the face Coconut collection 100ml / 3.38oz

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Natural coconut water for the face of the "Coconut collection" contains maximum number of coconut oil and milk, moisturizes the skin due to this it intensely, saturating vitamins and amino acids.
Composition: deionized water with coconut milk, coconut extract, frangipani extract, extract of bougainvillea , gel aloe Vera, succinic acid, sorbitol, provitamin B5, gidroksietilimino, lactic acid, allantoin, sodium alginate, malic acid, ascorbic acid, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: shake bottle, spray onto the cleansed face. After applying the recommended face cream ECOCRAFT "Сoconut collection".
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