Ecocraft Antistatic heat leave-in spray conditioner for hair Frangipani and marian plum 100ml

Ecocraft Antistatic heat leave-in spray conditioner for hair Frangipani and marian plum 100ml / 3.38oz

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Extracts of frangipani, marian plum, tangerine, lemongrass rejuvenates the hair structure, strengthen them, give them elasticity, radiance and vitality.
Composition: deionized water with extract frangipani extract Mariana plum, Mandarin orange extract, lemongrass extract, hydrolyzed wheat proteins, silk proteins, rice proteins, inulin, gel aloe Vera, sorbitol, coconut oil, butter, broccoli, almond oil, jojoba oil, provitamin B5, lactic acid, vegetable squalane, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: shake the bottle, spray 2-3 "zilch" to clean hair from a distance of 15-20 cm, start styling your hair. Recommend the combined use of serum for hair ECOCRAFT cosmetics. Avoid excessive application to avoid the effect of "dirty hair".
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