Belita CRYOMEZO complex MesoToner for face Micellar toning 150ml

Belita CRYOMEZO complex MezoToner for face Micellar toning 150ml / 5.07oz

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Intensively moisturizes and instantly refreshes the skin, improves its tone and fills it with vital energy thanks to effectively moisturizing active ingredients, which in tandem significantly increase skin hydration and prevent moisture loss, removing flaking and tightness.

Vegetable carbohydrates deeply moisturizes the skin and retains moisture for 72 hours*, strengthening the skin, giving it softness and a radiant, healthy appearance.
*the effect is achieved after 1 month, the effectiveness has been proven by DSM Switzerland.
Hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes the skin, increases its elasticity, and improves its appearance.

As a result, the skin is saturated with moisture, it glows with freshness and beauty.

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