MIXIT Forever Young Tonic 250ml

MIXIT PROTO COSMETIC Ultra-Active Face Tonic 200ml / 6.76oz

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Tonic for aging facial skin with hyaluronic acid and Recelline oligopeptide complex instantly moisturizes, softens, eliminates all traces of fatigue, and gives a feeling of incredible freshness.
How does it work:
the rejuvenating oligopeptide complex Recelline cleanses, restores a healthy complexion, promotes the disposal of toxins and toxins from the dermis, protects the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, the skin becomes elastic and toned, acquires a healthy look and radiance;
hyaluronic acid is a powerful moisturizing component that retains moisture both on the surface and in the deep layers of the skin, provides the skin with firmness and elasticity.
gentle cleansing of the skin;
gradual restoration of a healthy complexion;
intense hydration and softening;
complete removal of toxins and toxins from the dermis;
visible elimination of all traces of fatigue;
noticeable firmness, elasticity and firmness of the skin;
pleasant feeling of freshness.
Ingredients: Water, Sorbet-30, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Sodium Hyaluronate, Phenoxyethanol, Recelline Oligopeptide Complex, Parfum, Glyceryl Laurate.
Apply toner to a cotton pad and wipe over face, avoiding eye area. Suitable for daily use. More effective in combination with other products of the PROTO COSMETIC collection.
Skin Type
Mature skin
Purposes of Application
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