ChocoLatte Natural Flower Water Immortelle 100% Hydrolate 100ml

ChocoLatte Natural Flower Water Immortelle (Xerochrysum, Bracteantha) 100% Hydrolate 100ml / 3.38oz

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Water obtained in the process of water-steam distillation of immortelle herb. Does not contain artificial additives, colors or preservatives.
- For regeneration, healing of small wounds and damage to the skin;
- For hematomas and bruises, for eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies;
- For washing and healing the skin after tattooing and piercing, relieves redness, has anti-inflammatory properties;
- For hair - improves its condition, prevents dandruff and stimulates hair growth.
Hydrolates - waters obtained by steam distillation of water through plant material, are saturated with valuable water-soluble components contained in plants: essential oils, organic acids, vitamins, etc. Hydrolates contain about 0.2-0.5% (sometimes more) of water-soluble components of plants , distributed in water in ionized form.
Cosmetic use in its purest form. Hydrolates are natural tonics and wonderful moisturizers for the skin; they can be sprayed on the skin of the face and body throughout the day, as well as on the hair, which is very important both in summer and during the heating season, when the skin suffers from moisture loss. Hydrolates have not only a moisturizing, but also a healing effect on the skin, so when choosing a hydrolate, you must be guided not only by the smell, but also by the description of the properties of a particular hydrolate.
Cosmetic effect: tones, increases skin elasticity, reduces redness and swelling, as well as circles under the eyes. An ideal remedy for regeneration, healing of small wounds and damaged skin, recommended for hematomas and bruises, skin allergies, eczema, psoriasis, can be used for washing and healing the skin after piercing or tattooing, relieves redness, has anti-inflammatory properties. Improves hair condition, prevents dandruff and stimulates hair growth.
Application: Moisten a cotton pad, wipe the skin or spray directly onto the face and hair. After using the hydrosol, rinsing is not required.
Ingredients: Immortelle herb hydrolate 100%.
Storage conditions: Store in a dry place, protected from light at a temperature of 15-20°C. Shelf life in original packaging is 12 months from the date of manufacture indicated on the packaging.

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