Planeta Organica Ticket to Mexico Tonic for scalp and hair Stimulating 150ml

Planeta Organica Ticket to Mexico Tonic for scalp and hair Stimulating 150ml / 5.07oz

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A stimulating tonic for the scalp and hair, it awakens dormant hair follicles, activates hair growth and has a strengthening effect on them.
Anageline is a natural amino acid that improves the nutrition of hair follicles, stimulating hair growth and making them thicker.
Mexican cassava brewer's yeast is rich in B vitamins, which make the strands look stronger and shinier.
Blue yucca root extract contains polyphenols that improve scalp health due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
Ice mint extract refreshes, gives the hair a delicate aroma and additional volume, and is a prevention of dandruff.
INCI: Aqua with infusions of Organic Yucca Filamentosa Root Extract (Organic Blue Yucca Root Extract), Yeast Extract (Casava Yeast Extract), Organic Mentha Arvensis Extract (Iced Mint Extract); Hydrolyzed Lupine Protein (ANAGELINE® hair growth active ingredient), Niacinamide, Heptyl Glucoside, Benzyl Alcohol, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Parfum.
Apply a small amount of tonic to the scalp. Gently massage your scalp for about a minute. Don't rinse. Use daily in the morning and/or evening.
Purposes of Application
Hair growth stimulation
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