Alcon Eye Bioflurevit 05 eye sclera 25ml

Aclon Eye Bioflurevit 05 eye sclera 25ml / 0.84oz

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Bioflurevit of the sclera of the eye
It is recommended to improve vision in myopia, especially in children and adolescents, as well as in hyperopia in adults. It has a regulatory effect on the homeostasis of sclera cells. It helps to improve vision.
Composition: concentrate of the protein-peptide complex of the sclera of the eye, structured demineralized water, NaCl.
Together with: Bioflurevit of the eye 04 Bioflurevit of the retinal pigment epithelium of the eye: inhibits the development of the pathological process in retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration
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