Alcon Eye Bioflurevit 01 connective tissue of the eye 25ml

Aclon Eye Bioflurevit 01 connective tissue of the eye 25ml / 0.84oz

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Bioflurevit of eye connective tissue
Stimulates the processes of wound healing of tissues of the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, helps restore the tissue structure in the injured cornea. Recommended for injuries, burn eye disease, corneal dystrophy and pathology, conjunctivitis, some keratitis, keratoplasty, and dry eye syndrome. Relieves eye fatigue when working at a computer or with e-books for long periods of time.
Ingredients: medical serum protein-peptide complex concentrate, structured demineralized water, NaCl.
Together with: Bioflurevit 06 Bioflurevit of the cornea of the eye: helps improve vision in diseases of the cornea, eye injuries, including in the postoperative period to form a delicate, thin scar.

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