Leovit Tea (cleansing complex) 2g x 25pcs

Leovit Tea (cleansing complex) 2g x 25pcs

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Prevents weight gain after weight loss.
Green tea - has a detoxifying, cleansing and antioxidant effect.
Bearberry leaf - has a mild diuretic effect.
Columns with stigmas of corn - reduce appetite (have an anorexigenic effect). They have a choleretic effect.
Vitamin C is the most powerful antioxidant that increases the body's resistance to infections, protects against intoxication, and prevents oxygen starvation of tissues.
Vitamin B6 - has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism.
Senna - promotes bowel cleansing due to a mild laxative effect. It has a mild diuretic effect.
Inulin - promotes rapid satiety, reducing appetite.
Helps to reduce weight.
Reduces appetite.
Promotes the elimination of toxins released from fat cells during weight loss.
Stabilizes metabolic processes after weight loss to maintain the results achieved.
Replenishes the deficiency of vitamins C and B6.
Supports good health and performance.
Normalizes the processes of digestion.
Slimming tea made from the best varieties of Chinese green tea is an effective complex aimed at reducing body weight, regulating metabolic processes, improving appearance and maintaining a good mood and vigor. Prevents weight gain after weight loss.
Ingredients: Green tea, inulin, senna leaves, corn stigmas, bearberry leaves, vitamin C, vitamin B6.
Purposes of Application
Modeling silhouette
Weight loss
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