Leovit Tea (fat burning complex) 2g x 25pcs

Leovit Tea (fat burning complex) 2g x 25pcs

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For weight control and weight loss in mild to moderate obesity.
This weight loss tea Lose Weight in a Week is made from the best varieties of Indian black tea, acting as a highly effective fat-burning complex, which contributes to a dynamic, high-quality weight loss and a decrease in the deposition of fatty tissues in it. The tool regulates metabolic processes in the body in accordance with three main areas - protein metabolism, fat metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism.
To ensure weight control and reduction in moderate and mild obesity.
- Provides an acceleration of fat metabolism
- Reduces appetite
- Maintains a high level of efficiency and energy due to the switching and reorientation of energy-producing processes for the burning of fatty tissues
- Leovit tones
- Normalizes digestion and the entire work of the gastrointestinal tract
- Supports good mood and well-being
- Helps to release metabolic products and toxins from the body.
According to an ancient legend, a Chinese emperor named Shen Nong, who lived more than 2,500 thousand years BC, felt very thirsty during one of his walks in the mountains. Then, a tea tree leaf accidentally fell into his cup of water. The resulting taste of the drink came to the emperor, who was called the divine healer, to taste. For a long period of time, tea was used exclusively as a healing drink. Slimming tea has all the beneficial properties of a tea leaf, which are further enhanced by spices and herbs that help control weight.
Pokhudin black tea has a tonic effect on the body, increases physical and mental performance, stimulates the heart, makes the effect of sleeping pills weaker, and dilates blood vessels in the brain.
Garcinia Cambogia is responsible for controlling appetite, improving digestion and promoting active weight loss and fat burning.
L-carnitine supports the normal functioning of the muscles and is directly involved in the oxidation of various fatty acids, reducing the fat content in the subcutaneous layer.
Chromium picolinate will reduce appetite and take part in the normalization and regulation of metabolic processes, increasing insulin activity and reducing cravings for everything sweet. Additionally, this component provides fat burning. It also leads to the normalization of the functions of the nervous system of the body and improves muscle tone, along with endurance and performance.
Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant that increases the body's immune resistance and protects it from various kinds of intoxication. Also, this vitamin will actively prevent oxygen starvation of all tissues.
Cinnamon normalizes fat metabolism and improves overall mood.
Turmeric is also a strong antioxidant and normalizes protein metabolism.
Cardamom is able to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and brain performance, improving the functioning of the digestive tract.
Ginger is a digestive stimulant and a neutralizing agent for food toxins.
Inulin gives a feeling of quick satiety with food.
Tea is recommended to take constantly.
The energy value of one serving of the drink is 0.4 Kcal
Ingredients: black tea, vitamin C, L-carnitine, inulin, Cambodian garnish extract, chromium picolinate, and various spices (ginger, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon).
Purposes of Application
Modeling silhouette
Weight loss
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