Leovit Compote Pokhudin 400g

Leovit Compote Pokhudin 400g

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Promotes weight correction by normalizing metabolic processes, accelerating the excretion of metabolic products from the body and improving digestion. Use as a standalone product or as part of the second and third phases of a weight loss diet.
Helps reduce and control body weight. An effective meal replacement for low-calorie diets.
- Improved metabolism (turmeric, beets, magnesium, zinc)
- Removal of metabolic products (blackcurrant, celery, corn stigmas, beets, rhubarb, magnesium sulfate)
- Improvement of digestion processes (pineapple, celery, beetroot, zinc, blackcurrant, turmeric)
Ingredients: Sugar, fruits and berries (pineapple, blackcurrant, apple, barberry), potato starch, acidity regulator - citric acid, oatmeal, beetroot, celery, corn stigma extract, minerals (magnesium sulfate, zinc sulfate), bromelain, flavor apple, turmeric, rhubarb root
Take for three months, if necessary, repeat the course. Pour one or two tablespoons of compote with 200 milliliters of boiling water, mix and let the liquid brew for a couple of minutes. It is best to take 1 glass during breakfast and another glass during lunch or dinner.
Purposes of Application
Modeling silhouette
Weight loss
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